Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator (Service Code 63)
Output Voltage Inspection
Remove the seat cover (see Seat Cover Removal in the
Frame c hapter).
Turn the ignition switch ON and wait until the pulley stops.
Turn the ignition switch OFF and wait until the pulley
stops. It is original position of the pulley.
Measure the output voltage at the 3 pins connector of
the exhaust butterfly valve actuator [A] when the pulley
is original position as follows.
2 pins Connector [B]
3 pins Connector [C]
Connect the adapter [D] between the 3 pins connectors
and digital m eter [E].
Main Harness [F]
Special Tool - Throttle S ensor Setting Adapter #1: 57001
Connections to Adapter
Meter (+) → BL (actuator Y) lea d [G]
Meter (–) → BK/BL (actuator BK) lead [H]
Turn the ignition switch ON.
Actuator Output Voltage (Pulley Original Position)
3.46 ∼ 3.76 V
If the output voltage is out of the standard, remove the
actuator and check the original position of the pulley (see
Exhaust Butterfly Valve A ctuator Installation).
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Circuit
1. ECU
2. Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator
3. Water-proof Joint 2