Wheels (Rims)
Balance Inspection
Remove the wheel (see wheels (Rims) section).
Support the wheel so that it can be spun freely.
Spin the wheel lightly, and mark [A] the wheel at the top
when the wheel stops.
Repeat this procedure several times. If the wheel stops
of its own accord in various positions, it is well balanced.
If the wheel always stops in one position, adjust the wheel
Balance Adjustment
If the wheel always stops in one position, provisionally
attach a balance weight [A] on the rim at the marking using
adhesive tape.
Rotate the wheel 1/4 turn [B], and see whether or not the
wheel stops in this position. If it does, the correct balance
weight is being used.
If the wheel rotates and the weight goes up, replace the
weight with the next heavier size. If the wheel rotates and
the weight goes down, replace the weight with the next
lighter size. Repeat these steps until the wheel remains
at rest after being rotated 1/4 turn.
Rotate the wheel another 1/4 turn and then another 1/4
turn to see if the wheel is correctly balanced.
Repeat the entire procedure as many times as necessary
to achieve correct wheel balance.
Permanently install the balance weight.
Balance Weight Removal
Insert a regular tip screwdrivers [A] [B] between the rib [C]
and weight [D] as shown.
Pry the balance weight with two screwdrivers and remove
the balance weight.
Discard the used balance weight.
Do not tap the screwdrivers. The rim could be dam-
Balance Weight Installation
Check if the weight portion has any play on the blade [A]
and clip [B].
If it does, discard it.
If the balance weight has any play on the rib of the
rim, the blade and/or clip have been stretched. Re-
place the loose balance weight.
Do not reuse used balance weight.
Unbalanced wheels can create an unsafe riding