Maintenance Procedure
Fuel System (DFI)
Throttle Control Sy stem Inspection
Check the throttle grip free play [A].
If the free play is incorrect, adjust the throttle cables.
Throttle Grip Free Pl ay
Standard: 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.)
Check that the throttle grip [B] moves smoothly from full
open to close, and the throttle closes quickly and com-
pletely by the return spring in all steering positions.
If the throttle grip does not return properly, check the throt-
tle cables routing, grip free play, and cable damage. Then
lubricate the throttle cable.
Run the engine at the idle speed, and turn the handlebar
all the way to the right and left to ensure that the idle speed
does not change.
If the idle speed increases, check the throttle cable free
play and the cable routing.
If necessary, adjust the throttle cable as follows.
Loosen the locknuts [A] [B].
Screw both throttle cable adjusters [C] [D] to give the
throttle grip plenty of play.
Turn the decelerator cable adjuster [C] until 2 ∼ 3mm
(0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.) of throttle grip play is obtained.
Tighten the locknut [A].
Turn the accelerator cable adjuster [D] until 2 ∼ 3mm
(0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.) of throttle grip play is obtained.
Tighten the locknut [B].
If the free play cannot be adjusted with the adjusters, re-
place the cable.
Engine Vacuum Synchronization Inspection
These procedures are explained on the assumption that
the i nlet and exhaust systems of the engine are in good
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical.
Remove the air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaner Housing
Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Pull off the rubber caps [A] from the fittings of each throttle
For the California Model, pull off the vacuum hoses [B].
Plug the engine breather hose end [A].