Tie-Rod, Rocker Arm
Tie-Rod Removal
Lower Fairings (see Lower Fairing Removal in the Frame
Middle Exhaust Pipe (see Middle and Rear Exhaust Pipe
Removal in the Engine Top End chapter)
Squeeze the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band
Using the jack, raise the rear wheel off the ground.
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238
Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
Upper Tie-Rod Bolt and Nut [A]
Lower Tie-Rod Bolt and Nut [B]
Tie-Rods [C]
Tie-Rod Installation
Apply grease to the inside of the oil seals.
Install the tie-rods so that the marked side [A] faces the
bolts and nuts.
Torque - Tie-Rod Nuts: 59 N·m (6.0 kgf·m, 44 ft·lb)
Rocker Arm Removal
Lower Fairings (see Lower Fairing Removal in the Frame
Middle Exhaust Pipe (see Middle and Rear Exhaust Pipe
Removal in the Engine Top End chapter)
Squeeze the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band.
Using the jack, raise the rear wheel off the ground.
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238
Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
Lower Rear Shock Absorber Bolt and Nut [A]
Lower Tie-Rod Bolt and Nut [B]
Rocker Arm Bolt and Nut [C]
Rocker Arm [ D]