Fuel Pump
Check that the fuel pump terminals [A], fuel reserve switch
terminal [B] and band [C] are in place.
Front [D]
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the fuel pump bolts.
Tighten the fuel pump bolts to a snug fit following the tight-
ening sequence shown.
Following the tightening sequence, tighten the pump bolts
to the specified torque.
Torque - Fuel Pump Bolts: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 89 in·lb)
Tighten the pump bolts again to check the tightness in the
order shown.
Operation Inspection
Be sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the i gnition switch ON and make sure that the fuel
pump operates (make light sounds) for 4 seconds, and
then stops.
Turn the ignition switch OFF.
If the pump does not work as described above, inspect
the operating voltage.
Operating Voltage Inspection
Be sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch OFF.
Remove the left side cover (see Side Cover Removal in
the Frame chapter).
Connect the hand tester (× 25 V DC) to the connector [A],
with needle adapter set.
Special Tools - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Needle Adapter Set: 57001-1457
Pump Operating Voltage at Pump
Connections to Pump Connectors
Tester (+) → BK/Y Lead
Tester (–) → BK/W Lead
Measure the operating voltage with the engine stopped,
and with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition switch ON.
The tester needle s hould indicate battery voltage for 4
seconds, and then 0 V.
Operating Voltage at Pump Connector
Standard: Battery Voltage for 4 seconds, and then 0 V
If the reading stays on battery voltage, and never shows
0 V. Check the ECU and fuel pump relay.
If the voltage is in specification, but the pump doesn’t
work, replace the pump.
If there is still no battery voltage, check the pump relay
(see Fuel Pump Relay Inspection).