Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Before installing the camshaft caps and upper chain
guide, install the camshaft chain tensioner body tempo-
rally (see Camshaft Chain Tensioner Installation).
Install the camshaft caps and upper camshaft chain guide
[A] as shown.
Identification Number 1 ∼ 4 (Camshaft Cap Side) [B]
Identification Number 1 ∼ 4 (Cylinder Head Side) [C]
First tighten the camshaft cap bolt (17, 18) and upper
chain guide bolts (19, 20) evenly to seat the camshaft in
place, then tighten all bolts following the specified tight-
ening sequence.
Torque - Camshaft Cap Bolts (1 ∼ 18): 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m,
106 in·lb)
Upper Camshaft Chain Guide Bolts (19, 20): 12
N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 106 in·lb)
Install the camshaft chain tensioner (see Camshaft Chain
Tensioner Installation).
Turn the crankshaft 2 turns clockwise to allow the ten-
sioner to expand and recheck the camshaft chain timing.
Replace the O-ring of the timing inspection cap and starter
clutch bolt cap with new ones.
Apply grease to the new O-rings.
Install the timing inspection cap and starter clutch bolt
Torque - Timing Inspection Cap: Hand-tighten
Starter Clutch Bolt Cap: Hand-tighten
Install the cylinder head cover (see Cylinder Head Cover