Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head Installation
The camshaft cap is machined with the cylinder head,
so if a new cylinder head is installed, use the cap that
is supplied with the new head.
Install the dowel pins.
Replace the cylinder head gasket with a new one.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to both sides [A]
of the cylinder head bolt washers [B] and the threads of
the head bolts [C].
Install the left engine bracket (cylinder head side) [A] so
that the boss side [B] faces outward.
Front [C]
Tighten the M10 cylinder head bolts following the tighten-
ing sequence [1 ∼ 10].
Torque - Cylinder Head Bolts (M10):
First: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
Final (New Bolts): 59 N·m (6.0 kgf·m, 44 ft·lb)
Final (Used Bolts): 57 N·m (5.8 kgf·m, 42 ft·lb)
Tighten the M6 cylinder head bolts [11 ∼ 12].
Torq ue - Cylinder Head Bolts (M6): 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 106
Left and Right Front Engine Mounting Bolts (see Engine
Removal in the Engine Removal/Installation chapter)
Front Camshaft Chain Guide [A]
New O-ring [B]
Collar [C]
Apply grease to the new O-ring.
Torque - Front Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt (Upper) [D]: 25
N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
Front Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt (Lower) [E]: 1.2
N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 106 in·lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).