Code Message Text Explanation and Countermeasure
5040 Cannot execute while not
initialize X axis
5041 Cannot execute while not
initialize Y axis
5042 Cannot execute while not
initialize Z axis
5043 Cannot execute while not
initialize T axis
5044 Cannot execute while not
initialize R axis
Initialization of each axis in progress. Wait until
initialization ends.
*5075 Stage over run error (X-CCW)
*5080 Stage over run error (X-CW)
*5085 Stage over run error (Y-CCW)
*5090 Stage over run error (Y-CW)
*5101 Stage over run error (Z-CCW)
*5102 Stage over run error (Z-CW)
*5103 Stage over run error (T-CCW)
*5104 Stage over run error (T-CW)
This message will be shown when each axis is driven over
its limit. It will be recovered automatically.
5985 Set Z axis so as 40 deg. or more
tilt is possible.
This calibration operation tilts stage to 40 deg.
Set Z axis where 40 deg. or more tilting angle is allowed.
5987 Set Z axis so as 20 deg. or more
tilt is possible.
This calibration operation tilts stage to 20 deg.
Set Z axis where 20 deg. or more tilting angle is allowed.
5988 Extract optional detector(s) for
the calibration.
Extract optional detector(s) for the calibration.
5989 Set specimen height error within -
0.5mm to +0.5mm to keep
calibration accuracy.
Set specimen height error within -0.5 mm to +0.5 mm to
keep calibration accuracy.
5999 1st and 2nd alignment point are
too near, or Y coordinates of the
two points are too near.
Change coordinates of the two
alignment points.
Separate two aligned points by at least 10 mm.
Same X coordinate value for two alignment points can not
be used.
6000 Too near to stage limit. Set 1mm
or more.
The alignment position is too near the stage limit.
Set 1 mm or more away from the limit.
6001 No data alignment 2. No data for 2nd alignment position is registered.
6002 Incorrect alignment calculation
Alignment result seems incorrect. Possibly alignment
operation was done on incorrect point.
6003 R axis must be the same as the
first alignment point.
1st and 2nd alignment points shall be at the same rotation