4 - 11
(1) If the accelerating voltage is ON, click OFF to shut it off.
Fig. 4.1-24 Accelerating Voltage Setup Dialog
(2) Press either the AIR switch on the Evacuation Control Panel or the AIR evacuation control
button located on the Observation Screen Control Panel. Wait until the interior of the
specimen chamber completely attains the AIR state.
EVAC Panel Control Panel
Fig. 4.1-25 Evacuation Control Panel
(3) Pull out the stage.
Fig. 4.1-26 Pulling Out the Stage
IMPORTANT: Before pulling out the Type I stage, be sure to move the Z knob for the stage to
the sample exchange position. Pulling out the stage with the specimen in a
position other than the sample exchange position can potentially damage the
specimen or equipment.
IMPORTANT: Before pulling out the Type II stage, be sure to press the HOME Z10, Z65 button
in the Stage Operation dialog to move the specimen to the sample exchange
position. Pulling out the stage with the specimen in a position other than the
sample exchange position can potentially damage the specimen or equipment.