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(5) Electrical image shift
The Electrical Image Shift function moves the scanning image electrically. It is useful at
high magnifications where mechanical stage motion is not desired.
To move the image with Electrical Image Shift, use the same operation as in the above (2)
but use right button instead of left button. When you press right button, the mouse pointer
will change to Beam mark
. Move the mouse to an end point while holding down the
right button (a red line is drawn), and release it.
Image Shift knobs on the manual operation knobset are also available. The knobs are
easy to operate.
(6) R axis operation to a specified angle
On the circle of the R axis tool, the mouse pointer will be changed as shown below.
Press down the left button and move the mouse while holding down the button. The tool
rotates following the mouse and the rotation angle is shown in the indicator box.
Then release the button. Stage will be rotated to the angle specified in the indicator box.
The angle value is the absolute angle.
The eucentric rotation function is effective when the Eucentric check box in the Stage tab is
Fig. 3.5-41 R-axis Moving Tool (angle specification)