For Safe Handling
Precautions on Proper Operation (cont’d)
About Changes in Computer Settings
Do not change the following system settings of your PC. These are
set up at the optimum conditions for operation of the S-3400N SEM
before shipping.
(a) Connection to the USB ports
This instrument uses a USB port for communication between the
PC and the internal microprocessor. The USB port number 1 is
assigned to the instrument. Therefore, if external storage devices
or printers are to be connected to USB ports, ports that are
available to users are subject to restrictions.
(b) Monitor screen setting
Monitor properties need to be set at 1280×1024 pixels for the
desktop area, true color (24 bit) mode and 60 Hz to 70 Hz for the
refresh rate. Using other resolution, faster refresh rate or 256
color mode may cause an abnormal screen display.
(c) Sub programs
This instrument operates using many DLL programs along with
the control program. Deletion of files in the Windows directory or
change of the registry will cause troubles. Also do not delete
tasks and processes using the task manager.
(d) Screen saver settings
The screen saver can cause to exert adverse impact on the
system, and to interfere with the operation of the system. For
using the screen saver, read the following carefully.
(1) Use only the screen saver of the windows standard.
The operation of the screen savers other than the Windows
standard are not guaranteed.
(2) Password Protection should not be set on a screen saver.
Password Protection can prevent SEM images to display
properly when the system wakes up from the screen saver
mode. . If you need to lock Windows when leaving your work
site, the option to activate Password Locking from the
S-3400N Control Program should be used.
See 3.9.19 Password Locking of Windows.