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Selecting a startup vacuum mode
This box allows you to specify the particular vacuum mode to be in effect when an
application is started. The Previous Mode recalls the vacuum mode that was used
previously. The SEM option starts the High Vacuum mode. The VP-SEM option starts the
Low Vacuum mode. For low vacuum, the desired vacuum level can also be specified at
the same time.
(6) Setting the Auto Axial Adjustment function: AAA Adjust tab/AAA Adjust menu
Fig. 3.9-43 AAA Adjust Tab
Setting the Auto Axial Adjustment function
This box allows you to the particular mode in which the Auto Axial Adjustment function is
to run. In SCAN SPEED you can specify the speed at which auto axial adjustments are
to be run. FRAME is enabled when either TV or Fast is selected in SCAN SPEED, and
it allows you to specify the number of frames to be captured on an integration basis.