4 - 9
NOTICE: Objective lens movable aperture plates can be used on either side.
(8) Referring to Figure 4.1-20, align the positioning slot for the objective lens movable aperture
plate with the positioning slot for the aperture base. Place the aperture holder over them,
and lightly fasten the aperture holder retaining screw.
(9) Verify that that the positioning slot for the aperture plate is properly aligned with the
positioning slots for the aperture base and aperture holder, and then tighten the aperture
holder retaining screw.
Fig. 4.1-20 Attaching the Retaining Screw
(10) Make sure that the area around the objective lens movable aperture plate is free of dust,
and insert the objective lens movable aperture advancing mechanism straight into the
guide slot.
Fig. 4.1-21 Installing the Advancing Mechanism
NOTICE: If there are dust particles in the area around the objective lens movable aperture plate,
they should be removed using a spray or blower; care should be taken to avoid
contaminating the inside of the column.