3 - 79 Image Navigation
The Image Navigation function moves the stage to the position pointed out on the navigation
Captured SEM images at low magnification as well as imported externally created images, such
as optical microscope images or drawings, are available as navigation images. In this case,
alignment operations are needed to ensure that the drawing (photo) to be used and the
specimen being observed match in their relative geometry.
SEM images and imported images can be used in 10 images each. Navigation images to be
used can be switched at any time.
SEM image Imported image
Fig. 3.5-51 Image Navigation Window
(1) Starting image navigation
The Navigation button on the Stage tab opens Image Navigation dialog window.
(2) Using Captured SEM images
Select Capture at Capture/Import selection.
Click the Capture button. The present displayed scanning image will be captured and
shown on the Image Navigation window.
Up to 10 images, with different stage position or magnification, can be captured and you can
use any one by selecting with << and >> buttons.