3.8 Shutting Down
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(3) If the vacuum mode is set to Low Vacuum (VP-SEM) on the Operation Panel, change it to
High Vacuum (SEM).
(4) Grasp the handle. Insert the specimen stage into the specimen chamber. On the EVAC
panel on the front side of the main unit, press the EVAC button. Alternatively, click EVAC
located in the upper right section of the Control Panel. The evacuation of the specimen
chamber commences.
If the specimen chamber had already been in a fairly good vacuum condition, a high vacuum
state can be attained in approximately 2 minutes.
EVAC panel Control Panel
Fig. 3.8-5 Evacuating the Specimen Chamber
Caution: When inserting the specimen stage into the specimen chamber, be careful that
your fingers are not caught between the stage and the specimen chamber.
3.8.4 Closing Windows and Shutting off the Display Power
Close Windows. Turn off the power.
(1) On the S-3400N Main Window, either click the Close button
or select Exit from the File
menu. A termination confirmation message will appear:
Fig. 3.8-6 Termination Confirmation Message