
Setting Up Parameters
Encoder Setup Group
Master Source
Master Source indicates the hardware location of the master encoder input. Select module to
use the sync input connector on the FM-3 module; select drive to use the drive 44-pin
command connector on the drive.
Master Polarity
Master Polarity defines the direction of the master encoder that corresponds to a positive
master position change.
Master Interpretation
Master Interpretation determines how the incoming pulses are seen to generate the
synchronized motion command. This setting allows you to choose the appropriate signal type
to match the device generating the master input pulses.
Drive Input Signal
Drive Input Signal is selected accordingly based on whether the incoming pulses are
Differential (default) or Single Ended.
Output Source
Output Source determines which signal will be sent to the Sync Output connector on the FM-
3 module. If Motor Encoder (default) is selected, then the encoder signals from the motor that
the FM-3/drive is controlling will be sent out the FM-3 Sync Output connector. If Drive
Encoder Input is selected, then the synchronization signals sent to the Drive 44-pin command
connector will be sent to the FM-3 Sync Output connector. If Module Encoder Input is
selected, then the same signal coming into the FM-3 Sync Input connector will be sent out the
Sync Output connector.
Master Position Setup Group
Define Home Position
Define Home Position is the value that the Master Position Feedback will be set to when the
MasterAxis.DefineHome destination is activated. After the MasterAxis.DefineHome has
been activated, the MasterAxis.AbsolutePosnValid source will activate.
Rotary Rollover Check Box
If checked, the rotary rollover feature for the Master Axis will be enabled.
Rotary Rollover
If enabled, the Master Position will rollover to zero at the value specified here. As the master
encoder counts up, the master position feedback will increase until it reaches the Rotary