
Parameter Descriptions
Time Base
The time base selects either realtime, which allows velocities, acceleration and deceleration
to be based on real time, or synchronized, which allows for an external synchronization
This parameter sets the target velocity for all of moves in the home. The sign determines the
home direction. Positive numbers cause motion in the positive direction and negative
numbers cause motion in the negative direction in search of the home sensor.
Any Command Complete
This source is active when any index motion command is completed. If a stop is activated
before the index has completed, this destination will not activate. Deactivated when any index
command is initiated.
Index Profile Limited
For timed indexes, if the values for Max. Velocity, Max. Acceleration and Max. Deceleration
are such that the distance cannot be covered in the specified time, the Index.ProfileLimited
flag will activate when the index is initiated. The Index.ProfileLimited flag will remain active
until cleared using the Index.ResetProfileLimited assignment or program instruction. In this
situation, the index will still operate, but the time will be extended. In other words, the profile
will be performed using the maximum values and still cover the specified distance, but not in
the specified time.
Index Reset Profile Limited
If a timed index was not completed in the specified time, the Index.ProfileLimited source will
activate. Index.ResetProfileLimited is used to clear the ProfileLimited flag and acknowledge
that the index was not completed in the specified time. This can be activated through an
assignment, or through a user program. This function is edge-sensitive, so holding Reset
Profile Limited active will not prevent ProfileLimited from activating.