Tuning Procedures
The drive uses closed loop controllers to control the position and velocity Travel Limit of the
attached motor. These position and velocity controllers and the associated tuning parameters
are in effect when the drive is in velocity or pulse mode and have no effect when the drive is
in Torque mode.
Many closed loop controllers require tuning using individual user-specified proportional,
integral and derivative (PID) gains which require skilled “tweaking” to optimize. The
combination of these gains along with the drive gain, motor gain, and motor inertia, define
the system bandwidth. The overall system bandwidth is usually unknown at the end of the
tweaking process. The drive closes the control loops for the user using a state-space pole
placement technique. Using this method, the drive’s position control can be simply and
accurately tuned. The overall system’s bandwidth can be defined by a single user-specified
value (Response).
The drive’s default settings are designed to work in applications with up to a 10:1 load to
motor inertia mismatch. Most applications can operate with this default setting.
Some applications may have performance requirements which are not attainable with the
factory settings. For these applications a set of measurable parameters can be specified which
will set up the internal control functions to optimize the drive performance. The parameters
include Inertia Ratio, Friction, Response and Line Voltage. All the values needed for
optimization are “real world” values that can be determined by calculation or some method
of dynamic measurement.
PID vs. State-Space
The power of the state-space control algorithm is that there is no guessing and no “fine
tuning” as needed with user-specified PID methods. PID methods work well in controlled
situations but tend to be difficult to setup in applications where all the effects of the system
are not compensated for in the PID loop. The results are that the system response is
compromised to avoid instability.
The drive state-space control algorithm uses a number of internally calculated gains that
represent the wide variety of effects present in a servo system. This method gives a more
accurate representation of the system and maximizes the performance by minimizing the
You need only to setup the system and enter three parameters to describe the load and the
application needs. Once the entries are made the tuning is complete - no guessing and no
“tweaking”. The drive uses these entries plus motor and amplifier information to setup the
internal digital gain values. These values are used in the control loops to accurately set up a
stable, repeatable and highly responsive system.
FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual