
The FM-3 module is a compact and rugged function module that attaches to the front of the
drive. It provides eight digital input lines and four digital output lines, in addition to the four
input and three output lines available on the drive.
Unlike other function modules, the FM-3 module offers complex motion profiling. A
complex motion profile consists of two or more indexes that are executed in sequence such
that the final velocity of each index except the last is non-zero. Logical instructions between
index statements can provide a powerful tool for altering motion profiles "on the fly". The
FM-3 module defines complex motion by a configuration file that includes setups, function
assignments and programs. The configuration file is created using PowerTools Pro software
Setup views have the same look and feel as dialog boxes. The wiring of input and output
functions is done through assignments in the software. PowerTools Pro is an easy-to-use
Microsoft® Windows® based setup and diagnostics tool.
Figure 1: EN Drive with FM-3 Function Module
Note that the drive’s firmware is disabled whenever a Function Module such as the FM-3
module is attached. Therefore, if the drive’s hardware is FM compatible, then the drive’s
firmware can be any version because the programming features reside in the function
module’s flash memory. Flash files used for firmware upgrades are available on the Control
Techniques webpage.
The FM-3 module stores drive setup parameters within the module itself. This allows you to
transfer the FM-3 module to another drive without losing setup parameters.
1.In this manual, Emerson Motion Control PowerTools Pro software will be referred to as PowerTools Pro.
FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual