Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Error: The destination variable's resolution is less than the resolution of the
You attempted to assign a number with a greater resolution of decimal points than the variable
will accept (i.e. index.0.vel = 2.34567). The User Units setup will allow you to define the
desired decimal point resolution.
Error: The number is outside the range of the destination variable
You attempted to assign a number that is outside the variable’s range. To determine the range
comment out this instruction and use the red dot help on the variable.
Error: The mix of variable or expressions types can not be added or
This message occurs in equations. Variables are type identified, so equation and assignments
(x = 9) can be verified. In an equation only numerical values can be multiplied or divided.
Booleans, Selections, text and events can not be added.
Error: The mix of variable or expressions types can not be compared(=)
This message occurs in conditional Expressions (i.e. If then). Variables are type identified,
so equation and assignments (x = 9) can be verified. In an expression numerical, Boolean and
event values can be compared for equality conditions. Selections and text can not be used.
Error: The mix of variable or expression types can not be multiplied or divided
This message occurs in equations. Variables are type identified, so equation and assignments
(x = 9) can be verified. In an equation only numerical values can be multiplied or divided.
Booleans, Selections, text and events can not be compared.
Error: The Source Event- <variable name> can only be assigned <max
number> times
The limits to Source Event assignments are the number of destinations assigned to a single
Output event is limited. Generally this is three. For Selections it is one. The Waitfor
Instruction temporarily assigns its Output Event Operands. This is subject to the assignment
limitations. To use an Output Event in a waitfor instruction, there must be at least one free