
Parameter Descriptions
In Position
This source activates when commanded velocity is zero and the absolute value of the
following error is less than the InPosnWindow for at least the amount of time specified in the
InPosnTime parameter.
In Position Time
This parameter is the minimum amount of time that commanded motion must be complete
and the absolute value of the following error is less than the InPosnWindow parameter for the
InPosn source to activate.
In Position Window
The absolute value of the following error must be less than this value at the completion of a
move for the InPosnTime before InPosn will activate.
Any Command Complete
The Jog.AnyCommandComplete bit will activate when either Jog 0 or Jog 1 completes its
deceleration ramp and reaches zero commanded speed. It deactivates when another jog is
Minus Activate
This destination is used to initiate jogging motion in the negative direction using the jog
parameters of the jog selected by the Jog select input function. Jogging will continue as long
as the destination is active. The motor will decelerate to a stop when the destination is
deactivated. This is level sensitive.
Plus Activate
This destination is used to initiate jogging motion in the positive direction using the jog
parameters of the jog selected by the Jog select input function. Jogging will continue as long
as the destination is active. The motor will decelerate to a stop when the destination is
deactivated. This is level sensitive.