FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Simple Jogging within a Program
Jog+ when DriveInput.2 goes ON and stop when it goes off. Jog- when DriveInput.3 goes ON
and stop when it goes off. This could also be accomplished using the Jog input functions
when there is no program running.
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
If(DriveInput.2=ON) Then ‘Jog+ when DriveInput.2=ON
Jog.0.PlusInitiate ‘Vel=20in/s
Wait For DriveInput.2=OFF ‘Stop jogging when DriveIput.2 goes OFF
Jog.Stop ‘Decelerate to a stop
If (DriveInput.3=ON) Then ‘Jog- when DriveInput.3=ON
Jog.0.MinusInitiate ‘Vel=20in/s
Wait For DriveInput.3=OFF ‘Stop jogging when DriveInput.3 goes OFF
Jog.Stop ‘Decelerate to a stop
Rotary Table with “Calibrated” Stop Positions
Home the axis, wait for an input and then index to 3 different stop positions (absolute positions),
wait for an input between indexes. The InPosn output function could be assigned to an output
to indicate when the axis has completed the index and the following error is less than a specified
amount. Since the indexes are to absolute positions they can be adjusted to “calibrate” the stop
positions to account for mechanical non-linearity in the particular rotary table. A rollover
position of 360.00 degrees would be entered into the setup screen so that the system would take
the shortest path (across the rollover) during the last move.
Home.0.Initiate ‘Sensor,Offset=0.0deg/s,Vel=-1000deg/s
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
Wait For ModuleInput.1=ON ‘ModuleInput.1 is the “Go” input
Index.2.Initiate ‘Absolute,Posn=120.07deg,Vel=1000deg/s
Wait For InPosn
Wait For ModuleInput.1=ON
Index.3.Initiate ‘Absolute,Posn=239.95deg,Vel=1000deg/s
Wait For InPosn
Wait For ModuleInput.1=ON
Index.1.Initiate ‘Absolute,Posn=0.03deg,Vel=1000deg/s
Wait For InPosn
Flying Cutoff/Shear
Flying cutoff or flying shear application to perform synchronized out and return indexes which
repeat every 100 inches of master travel.
Part Length = 100 inches