Punch a Hole in a Web a Specified Distance Beyond a Registration Mark
Description: Index a web to a position 2 inches beyond a registration mark. Then fire a solenoid
to punch a hole in the web. Wait for a sensor to indicate that the punch is in the down position.
Retract the solenoid. Wait until it is sensed in the up position.
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
Index.0.Initiate ‘Registra-
Wait For InPosn
ModuleOutput.1=ON ‘Fire the punch solenoid
Wait For ModuleInput.2=ON ‘Wait for the “down” indicator
ModuleOutput.1=OFF ‘Retract the punch solenoid
Wait For ModuleInput.3=ON ‘Wait for the “up” indicator
Registration Index to Place a Product on a Conveyor After Each Lug
Registration Index (synchronized) to find the front edge of product, wait for input from a lug
sensor and repeat.
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
Index.0.Initiate ‘Sync,Registration,Offset=0.500,
‘Registration move to product sensor.
‘Go to head of next product.
Wait For Index.AnyCommandComplete
Wait For ModuleInput.2=ON ‘Wait for lug sensor on master conveyor.
Elevator (Accumulator) with 100 Stop Positions
Home, when an input goes on move down to the next position. When the bottom position is
reached, move back to home when the input goes on.
Home.0.Initiate ‘Sensor,Offset=0.00mm,Vel=100mm/s
Do While (TRUE) ‘Repeat until the program is halted
For Count = 2 To 100 ‘Step to positions 2 - 100
Wait For ModuleInput.2=ON‘Wait for “Go”
Wait For InPosn
Wait For ModuleInput.2=ON ‘Wait for “Go” input
Index.1.Initiate ‘Absolute,Posn=0.00mm,Vel=1000mm/s
Wait For InPosn