
FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
come to a halt, but the index's velocity command remains at the velocity it was at before the
feedhold was activated. When the feedhold is deactivated time will ramp back up and the
index will continue on to its programmed distance or position. Feedhold affects indexes,
homes, and programs. A jog is not affected by the feedhold unless it is initiated from a
program. This is level sensitive.
Feedhold Deceleration Time
When Feedhold destination is activated the motor will decelerate to a stop in the time
specified by the FeedholdDecelTime parameter. While the feedhold destination is active, the
motion profile is stopped.
FeedRate Deactivate
This destination allows the user to deactivate the FeedRate Override feature. When FeedRate
Deactivate is enabled, FeedRate Override will be disabled and all index or home motion will
operate at its programmed velocity. When FeedRate Deactivate is disabled, FeedRate
Override will be enabled, and index and home motion is subject to scaling by the FeedRate
Override parameter. The default value for FeedRate Override is 100%, so even when
FeedRate Override is enabled, default motion will run at programmed velocity.
FeedRate Override
This parameter is used to scale all motion. It can be described as “scaling in real time.” The
default setting of 100% will allow all motion to occur in real time. A setting of 50% will scale
time so that all motion runs half as fast as it runs in real time. A setting of 200% will scale
time so that all motion runs twice as fast as it would in real time. FeedRate Override is always
active, and this parameter may be modified via Modbus or in a program. When changed, the
new value takes effect immediately.
Foldback Active
This source (output function) is active when the drive is limiting motor current. If the
Foldback RMS exceeds 100 percent of the continuous rating, the current foldback circuit will
limit the current delivered to the motor to 80 percent of the continuous rating.