Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.
Removethe key fromthe keyswitchon units so equipped.
Failure tofollow these instructions canresult in seriouspersonal injury or propertydamage.
Figure5-6: Removingsingle tine.
Figure5-7: Removingatineassembly.
Figure5-8: Forwardclutchbelt. (C, Left-
side view, nobelt cover.)
Followthe belt adjustment instructions
carefully. An incorrectadjustmentcould
result in the clutch control mechanism
engaging too soon. This could cause
loss of tiller control and result in per-
sonalinjuryor propertydamage.
Maintaining correct belt tension is impor-
tant to good tilling performanceand long
belt life. A loosebelt will slip on the
engine andtransmission pulleysand
causethe tines andwheels to slow down
- orstop - eventhough theengine is
running at full speed. A loose beltwill
also result in premature beltwear.
While checking belttension, also check
for cracks,cuts or frayed edges.A belt in
poor condition should be replaced.
Tension on a newforward clutch belt (C,
Figure5-8) should becheckedafter the
Figure5-9: Reverse clutchbelt(D).
(Right-side view,nobelt cover.)
Figure5-10: Locationofforwardclutchcable
first two (2) hours of operation and after
every ten (10) hours of operation.
Figure5-11: Correctspringlengthwhen
The reverseclutch belt (D, Figure5-9), A loose beltwill also result in premature
becauseit is used moresparingly, may belt wear.
not require tension adjustment until a sig-
nificant number of operating hours has • Checkbelttension after thefirst two
passed. A tension adjustment is required hours of break-inoperation and after
only if there is little or no reversemove- every 10 operating hours.
ment whenthe ReverseClutchControl
knob is pulled out.
ForwardClutchBelt Tension
It is important to maintain correct tension
on theforward clutch belt. A loosebelt
will causethe tines andwheels to slow
down- or stop completely - even though
the engine is running atfull speed.
• Atthe end of eachtilling season,check
the beltfor cracks, cuts or frayededges.
A belt in poor condition should be