115391527 Rev. 4 5/15/12
Warm engine
With a warm engine, move theblue engine
choke lever to the ½ position. Pull starter
rope until engine runs.Move the blue
engine chok e lever to the opened position.
W ARNING: When the engineis
started withthe choke in the closed
position the cutting attachment will
start to rotate immediately.
Stop the engine by pushing and holding
the stop switchin the STOP position until
the engine stops.
Your product has been designed and
manufacturedto specifications that reduce
harmful emissions. After the engine has
used 8--10 tanks of fuel, the engine willbe
run--in. To ensure that it continues to run at
peak performance and to minimizeharmful
exhaust em issions after the run--in period,
ask your servicing dealer to adjust your car-
The owner is responsible for the per
mance of all required maintenance as
defined in theoperator’s manual.
W ARNING: The complete clutch,
clutch cover, and shaft must be
fitted before the machi ne is started,
otherwise parts could come loose
and cause person al injury.
S Thecar buretor governs the engine’ s
speed via the throttle control. Air and fuel
are mixed in the carburetor.
S TheT--screw regulates the throttleset ting
at idle speed. If the T--screw is turned
clockwise this gives a higher idle speed;
turning it counterclockwise gives a lower
idle speed.
Basic setting
S Thebasic carburetor settings are ad-
justed during test ing at the factory. Fine
adjustment should be carried out by a
skilled technician.
CAUTION! If the cutting attachment rotates
when the engine is idling the idle adjustment
screw T should be turned counterclockwise
until the cutting attachment stops.
W ARNING: The cutting attach-
ment ma y be spinning during carbu-
retor adjustm ents. Wear your protec-
tive equi pment and obser ve all safe-
ty instructions . Be sure the cutting
attachme nt stops turning when the
engine idles. When the unit is turned
off, make sure the cutting attach-
ments has stopped before the unit is
set down.
Rec. idle speed:
See “Technical data” sect ion.
Recommended max. speed:
See “Technical data” sect ion.
Fine adjustment of the idle speed--T
Adjustthe idle speedusing the idle adjust-
ment screw--T if it is necessary to readjust.
First, turn the idle adjustment screw--T
clockwise until the cutt ing attachment st arts
to rotate. T hen, turn the screw counter c-
lockwise until thecut ting attachment stops.
The idle speed is cor rectly adjusted when
the engine will run smoothly in ever y posi-
tion. The idle speed should also be well
below the speed at which t he cutting at-
tachment starts to rotate.
Idle Speed
WARNING: Im proper mainte-
nance could result in serious engine
damage or in serious injury .