115391527 Rev. 4 5/15/12
Note! The machine is equipped with a
2--stroke engine and must always be run us-
ing a mixture of gasoline and two-stroke en-
gine oil. It is important to accur ately measur e
the corr ect mixt ure is obtained. When mixi ng
small amounts of fuel, even small inacc ura-
cies can dra stica lly affe ct the ratio of the
S Use good quality unleaded gasoline.
W ARNING: Always ensure there
is adequateventilation when han-
dling fuel.
WARNING: Gasoline is very
flammable. A void smoking or
bringing any flame or sparks near
fuel. Make sure to stop the engine
and allow it cool before refueling
the unit. Select outdoor bare
ground for fueling and move at
least 10 feet (3meter s) away fr om
the fueling point before starting
the engine.
Gasoline requirements
S All 2--stroke RedMax product s are pow-
ered by professional-commercial duty,
hi--performance, hi--RPM, air cooled
2--stroke engines. RedMax hi--perfo rma nce
2--stroke engines produce higher HP
outputs as compared tost andard home
owner duty or light commercial duty
production engines of fered by most
manufacturer s.
S Ex haust emiss ion are controlled by the
fundamental engine parameters and com-
ponents (eg. car buration, ignition timing
and port timing) without addition of any
major hardware or the introduction of an
inert materialduring combustion.
S The RedMax engin es are registered and
cert ified with CARB (Calif ornia Air Re-
sources Board) and EP A (Environmental
Protec tion Agency) to operate on cle an,
mid--gr ade
89 octane or premium, unleaded (le ad--free)
gasoline and RedMax air--cool ed “M ax Life”
syn thetic blend premium 2--stroke engine oil
mixed at 50:1 ratio.
S Unleaded gasoline is rec ommended to
reducethe contamination of the air for the
sake of your health and the environment.
S This hi--performance air cooled 2--stroke
engine requires the use of minimum 89
octane [R +M]/2 (mid--grade or premium)
clean gasoline. Gasoline may contain a
maximum of 10% Ethanol (grain alcohol)
or up to 15% MTBE(Methyl tertiary--butyl
ether). Gasoline containing Methanol
(Wood Alcohol) is NOT approved.
IMPOR TA NT! If the octane rating of the
mid-grade gasoline in your areais lower
than 89 octane use premium unleaded
gasoline. The majority of all 2--stroke
engine manufacturers in the USA and
Canada recom m end using gasoline with 89
octane or higher.
CAUTI ON! Gasoline with an octane rating
lower than 89 willgreatly incr ease the en-
gines operating temperature. Low octane
gasoline will cause detonation (knock)
resultingin piston seizures and major inter-
nal engine components damage.
Poor quality gasolines or oils may damage
sealing rings, fuel lines or fuel tank of the
IMPOR TA NT! Failures caused by operating
engines on gasoline with octane rating low-
er than 89 are not cover ed by theRedMax
2--stroke engine warranty.
CAUTI ON! Alte rnative fuels such as E--15
(15% ethanol), E--20 (20% ethanol), E--85
(85% ethanol) are NOT classified as gas oline
and are NOT approved for use in RedMax
2--stroke gasol ine engines. Use of alter native
fuels will cause major engine performance
and durability problems suc h as: improper
clutch engagements, overheating, vapor
lock, power loss, lubrication deficiency, de-
terioration of fuel lines, gaskets and internal
carburetor components, etc. Alternative
fuels causehigh moisture absorption into
the fuel/oil mixture leading to oil and fuel
Oil requirements
S Use only RedMax “Max Life” synthetic
blend premium air--cooled 2--stroke en-
gine oil or oil cer tified to ISO--L--EGD
(ISO/ CD 1378) standard and one that is
JASO-- FD registered. RedMax air--cooled
“Max Life” synthetic blend premium
2--stroke engine oil and ISO--L--EGD
(ISO/ CD 1378) AND JASO--FD oils are
fully compatible with gasoline’s containing
10% Ethanol. RedMax air--cooled “Max
Life” synthetic blend premium 2--stroke
engine oil and ISO--L--EGD (ISO/CD
1378) AND JASO--FD oils areuniversal
and shouldbe mixed at 50:1 ratio for all
2--stroke air cooled engines sold in the
past regardless of mixing ratios specified
in those m anuals.
S Ifthe oil is registered with JASO , the
JASO Logo with FD and regist ration num-
ber will be displayed on the cont ainer.
The highest JASO rating is “FD”, which
equals the ISO--L--EGD rating. Lower rat-
ings are “FC”, “FB”, and “FA”.