English - 23
6.10 Assembling the throttle control
lock, throttle control and spring
Lubricate the pin and joined surfaces with a light
oil. Hook on the throttle cable (D). Slide in the
throttle control and make sure the spring is tted as
outlined in gure 24.
NOTE! Make sure that the rear end of the throttle
control is correctly aligned inside the cut-out edg-
ing before the pin is pressed in place.
Safety equipment
Fig 24
Fig 25
Fig 26
Fit the throttle control’s pin (C) using a punch. See
gure 25.
Fit the throttle control lock (B) by sliding it on the
shaft in the handle. See gure 26. Make sure the
spring is positioned inside the throttle control lock
when you press it down so that the barbs are
hooked in place.
Fit the handle insert using a screw, when the
throttle control, spring, throttle cable and throttle
control lock with pin are tted correctly.