• Mowershouldbe properlyleveledfor
bestmowingperformance.See "TO
Serviceand Adjustmentssectionofthis
• The lefthand side ofmowershouldbe
usedfor trimming.
• Driveso that clippingsare discharged
ontothearea thathas been cut. Have
thecutarea tothe rightof thetractor.
Thiswillresultin a more even distribu-
tionofclippingsand more uniform
• When mowinglargeareas, start by
tumingto the rightsothatclippingswill
dischargeaway from shrubs,fences,
driveways,etc. Afterone ortwo
rounds,mowin the oppositedirection
makinglefthandtums untilfinished.
• Ifgrassisextremelytall, itshouldbe
mowedtwice to reduceload and
possiblefire hazardfrom driedclip-
pings. Make firstcut relativelyhigh;the
secondtothe desiredheight.
• Do notmowgrasswhenit iswet. Wet
grasswill plugmower and leave
undesirableclumps. Allowgrassto dry
before mowing.
• Always operate engine at full throttle
when,mowing toassurebettermowing
performanceand properdischargeof
material. Regulategroundspeedby
selectinga lowenoughgear to give the
mowercuttingperformanceas well as
thequalityof cutdesired.
• When operatingattachments,selecta
groundspeed thatwillsuittheterrain
and givebest performanceof the
attachmentbeing used.
IMPORTANT: Forbestperformance,
keep mowerhousingfree of built-up
grassand trash. Clean aftereachuse.
• The specialmulchingblade will recut
the grassclippingsmanytimes and
reducethem insize sothatas theyfall
ontothelawn they willdisperseintothe
grassand notbe noticed. Also,the
mulchedgrass willbiodegradequickly
to providenutrientsfor the lawn.
Alwaysmulchwith your highestengine
(blade)speed as thiswillprovidethe
best recutUngactionof the blades.
• Avoidcuttingyourlawnwhenit is wet.
Wet grasstendsto form clumpsand
interfereswiththe mulchingaction.
The besttimeto mow yourlawnisthe
earlyafternoon. At thistime thegrass
hasddedand the newlycutarea will
notbe exposedto the directsun.
• Forbestresults,adjustthemower
cuttingheightsothatthe mowercutsoff
onlythetopone-thirdofthe grass
blades. Forextremelyheavymulching,
reduceyourwidthofcuton each pass
and mowslowly.
• Certaintypes of grassand grass
conditionsmay requirethatan area be
mulcheda secondtimeto completely
hidethe clippings. When doinga
secondcut, mowacross or perpendicu-
larto thefirstcut path.
• Change yourcuttingpatternfrom week
to week. Mow northto southoneweek
then changetoeast towestthenext
week. Thiswillhelpprevent matting
and grainingofthe lawn.