
TheCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB),U.S.EPAandSears are
pleasedto explainthe Ernissions Control System Warranty on your
srnaI[offroad engine (SORE).hr California, new small offroad
engines rnodelyear 2006 and later must be desiglred, built and
equipped to meetthe State'sstringent anti-smog standards.
Elsewherein theUnitedStates,newnon-road,spark-ignitionengines
certifiedfor mode[year1997and latermust meetsimilarstandardsset
forth bythe U.S.EPA.Searsmust warrantthe emissionscontrol
systernonyour enginefor the periodsoftime listedbelow,provided
there hasbeenno abuse,neglector impropermaintenanceof your
smalloff-road engine.
Your emissions control system includes parts such astire
carburetor, air cleaner, ignition system, fuel line, muffler and
catalytic converter. Also included rnay beconnectors and other
emissions relatedassernblies.
Wherea warrantable colrdition exists, Searswill repair your small
off-road engine at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and
Sears, Roehook and Co. EmissionsControl Befeota Warranty
Small off-road enginesarewarranted relativeto ernissions control
parts defects for a period of two years, subiect to provisions set
forth below. If any coveredpart on your engine is defective,the part
will be repairedor replacedby Sears.
Owner's Warranty Responsibilities
Astire small off-road engine owner, you areresponsible for tire
performance of the requiredrnaintenancelisted inyour Operating
and MaintenanceInstructions. Searsrecommends that you retain all
your receiptscovering maintenanceon your small off-road engine
but Searscannot denywarranty solely for the lack of receipts or for
your failure to ensurethe performance of all scheduledrnaintenance.
Asthe small off-road engine owner, you should however beaware
that Sears may denyyou warranty coverage ifyour small off-road
engine or apart has faileddue to abuse, neglect, improper
rnaintenanceor unapproved modifications.
You are responsible for presentingyour small off-road engineto an
Authorized SearsService Dealeras soon as a problem exbts.
The undisputed warranty repairs should be completed hra
reasonableamount of time, not to exceed30 days.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and
responsibilities, you should contact a SearsServiceRepresentative
at 1-800-469-4663.
Theemissions warranty is adefects warranty. Defects areiudged
on normal engine performance. The warranty is not relatedto an in-
use emissions test.
Sears, Recheck aod Co. EmissionsControl Defects Warraoty
Thefollowing arespecific provisions relativeto your Emissions
Control DefectsWarrantyCoverage.It is in addition to the Sears
enginewarranty for non-regulated enginesfound inthe Operatingand
1. Warranted Parts
Coverageunderthis warranty extendsonly to the parts listed
below (theemissions control systemsparts)to the extentthese
parts werepresent onthe enginepurchased.
a. FuelMeterhrg System
• Coldstart enrichment system
* Carburetor andhrternal parts
* FuelPump
* Fuelline,fuel [hrefittings, clamps
, Fue[tank, cap and tether
, Carboncanister
b. Air Induction System
* Air cbaner
° Intake rnanl%d
. Purgeandvent line
c Ignition System
, Spark plug(s)
, Magnetoignition system
d. Catalyst System
* Catalytic converter
, Exhaustmanifold
, Air iniection system, Pulsevalve
e. Miscellaneous Items
, Vacuum, temperature, position, tirne sensitive valves and
o Connectors and assernblbs
2. Length of Coverage
Searswarrantsto the initialowner and eachsubsequent
purchaserthatthe WarrantedParts shahbefree from defects in
materialsand workrnanshipwhich causedthe failure of the
WarrantedPartsfor a periodoftwo yearsfrom the datetire
engineis deliveredto a retail purchaser.
3. NoCharge
Repairor replacementof airy WarrantedPart will be performed
at no chargeto the owner, hrcludingdiagnostic laborwhich
leads to the determhration that aWarranted Part is defective if
the diagnostic work ls performed at an Authorized Sears
Service Dealer.
4. CJaimsand Coverage Exclusions
Warranty claims shall befiled hraccordance with the provls_ons
of the Sears Brgine Warranty Policy. Warranty coverageshall
be excludedfor failures ofWarranted Partswhich arenot
original Sears parts or becauseof abuse,neglector improper
rnaintenanceas set forth in the SearsEngineWarranty Policy.
Sears is not liableto cover failures of Warranted Parts caused
bythe useof add-on, non-original, or rnodified parts.
5. _daintenanse
AnyWarrantedPartwhich is notschedubd for rephcement as
required rnaintenanceor which is scheduledonly for regular
inspection to the effect of "repairor replaceas necessary"shall
bewarranted asto defectsfor the warranty period.Any
WarrantedPartwhich is scheduledfor replacementas required
rnaintenarceshall bewarrantedasto defectsonly for the period
of time up to tire first scheduledreplacernentfor that part. Any
replacementpartthat is equivalentin performarce and
durabilityrnaybe usedin the perforrnanceof any rnaintenanceor
repairs.The owneris responsiblefor theperformance of all
required maintenance,asdefined inthe SearsOperatingand
6. Consequential Coverage
Coveragehereundersha!l extendto the failure of any engine
components caused by tire failure of any Warranted Part still
under warranty.
IntheUSAandCanada,a24-hourhotlhre,1-800-469-4663,hasa rnenuof pro-recordedrnessagesofferhrgyouproductmaintenance