Agri-Fab 45-04072 Yard Vacuum User Manual

Enginefailstostart 1.Sparkplugwiredisconnected. 1.Connectwiretosparkplug.
2. Safety switch not contacted. 2. Correctly install hose adapter nozzle.
3.Fueltankempty,orstalefuel. 3.Filltankwithclean,freshfuel.
4. Fuel shut-off valve closed 4. Open fuel shut-off valve.
(if so equipped).
5.Faultysparkplug. 5.Clean,adjustgaporreplace.
Lossofpower; 1.Sparkplugwireloose 1.Connectandtightensparkplugwire.
operationerratic. 2.UnitrunningonCHOKE. 2.MovechokelevertoOFFposition.
3.Blockedfuellineorstalefuel. 3.Cleanfuelline;lltankwithclean
fresh gasoline.
4.Waterordirtinfuelsystem. 4.Disconnectfuellineatcarburetortodrain
5. Carburetor out of adjustment. 5. Adjust carburetor.*
6. Dirty air cleaner. 6. Service air cleaner.*
Engine overheats 1. Carburetor not adjusted 1. Adjust carburetor.*
2.Engineoillevellow. 2.Fillcrankcasewithproperoil.
Too much vibration Loose parts or damaged 1. Stop engine immediately and disconnect
impeller. sparkplugwire.Tightenallboltsandnuts.
continues, have unit serviced by an
authorized service dealer.
Unit does not 1. Discharge chute (elbow) 1. Stop engine immediately and disconnect
discharge clogged. sparkplugwire.Cleaninsideofhousing
and discharge chute (elbow).
2. Foreign object lodged in 2. Stop engine immediately and disconnect
impeller. sparkplugwire.Removelodgedobject.
3.VacCartisfull. 3.Emptycart.
NOTE: For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, please contact your nearest authorized service dealer.
• Cleantheengineandtheentireunitthoroughly.
• Refer to engine manual for correct engine storage
• Ifstoringinanunventilatedormetalstorageshed,coat
metal parts with light oil or silicone to prevent rust.
• Storeunitinaclean,dryarea.
It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in
(called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can attract
moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids
during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of
an engine while in storage.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied
before storage of 30 days or longer. Follow the instructions
in the engine’s Operating & Maintenance Manual.