SSB Transmitters
Measurement Procedure:
1. Connect the Transmitter as shown.
CAUTION: The RF present at the Test Set RF IN/OUT connector must not exceed 60W
continuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/minute) or permanent instrument damage
may result.
On the Test Set:
2. Press the PRESET key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
3. Set Amplitude to Off.
4. Set AFGen1 To to Audio Out.
5. Assign global key k1’ to AFGen1 To.
a Select AFGen1 To mV field.
b Press the SHIFT key.
c Press the ASSIGN key.
d Press the k1’ key.
6. Set AFGen2 Freq to 1.6 kHz.
7. Set AFGen2 To to Audio Out at 50 mV.
8. Set AFGen2 To to Audio Out.
9. Assign global key k2’ to AFGen2 To.
Assign like in step 5..
Test Set Options Required
Spectrum Analyzer/Tracking Generator (option 102)
Special Test Considerations
"Cable and Adapter Loss" on page 46.
Also, the accuracy and stability of both the AF source and
the RF power measurement device, and knowledge of the
transmitter’s carrier suppression and the current operating
side-band selection are required for precise measurements.