Agilent Technologies 6800 Yard Vacuum User Manual

The built-in power analyzer capability offers many
voltage, current, and power measurements to the
user. While on, the ac power source/analyzers are
continuously sampling instantaneous output volt-
age and current for several output cycles and writ-
ing the data to buffers. Each buffer, one for voltage
and one for current, holds 4096 data points. The
voltage and current data is used to calculate the
requested measurement parameter. There are two
basic methods to obtain a measurement: using the
MEASure command or the FETCh command. These
commands can return a single measured parameter,
an array of voltage and current harmonic data, or
an array of the 4096 voltage or current data values.
What is a MEASure Command?
When this command is sent to the 6800 series
ac power source/analyzer, the unit begins acquir-
ing new voltage and current data into its data
buffers. Upon completing the acquisition of 4096
data points for voltage and current, the unit then
performs the required calculation to return the
requested measurement parameter. When a new
acquisition of instantaneous output voltage and
current data is desired, this command should be
used to return the requested measurement.
What is a FETCh Command?
This command allows the user to retrieve meas-
ured parameters from previously acquired voltage
and current data. For example, the FETCh com-
mand can be used after a MEASure command to
return calculated parameters from the same 4096
data points that were acquired by the MEASure
command. In addition, the FETCh command can
be used to retrieve measurement information after
triggering an acquisition of digitized voltage and
current data. This method provides the flexibility
to synchronize the data acquisition with a triggered
event, and then return many calculations from
the existing voltage and current data buffers.
Agilent 6800 Series Measurements
Pre-event and Post-event Acquisition Triggering