Front-Panel Overview
To apply the default factory configuration
To apply the default factory configuration
• To set the instrument to the factory-default configuration, press the
Save/Recall key, then press the Default Setup softkey.
The default configuration returns the oscilloscope to its default settings. This
places the oscilloscope in a known operating condition. The major default
settings are:
Horizontal main mode, 100 us/div scale, 0 s delay, center time reference
Vertical (Analog) Channel 1 on, 5 V/div scale, dc coupling, 0 V position, 1 M
impedance, probe factor to 1.0 if an AutoProbe probe is not connected to the
Trigger Edge trigger, Auto sweep mode, 0 V level, channel 1 source, dc
coupling, rising edge slope, 60 ns holdoff time
Display Vectors on, 20% grid intensity, infinite persistence off
Other Acquire mode normal, Run/Stop to Run, cursors and measurements off
Labels all custom labels in the Label Library are erased