(-)Width measurement 5-41
(+)Width measurement 5-41
1*2 math function 5-19
1-2 math function 5-20
about oscilloscope 6-15
AC channel coupling 4-8
accessories 1-5, 1-9
acquire 2-3, 5-8
acquiring data 4-26
acquisition memory 3-3
acquisition mode 4-17
average 4-19
normal 4-18
peak detect 4-18
realtime 4-20
activity indicator 4-33
address, GPIB 6-9
adjust the handle 1-12
aliasing, FFT 5-25
Amplitude measurement 5-46
analog channel
probe attenuation 4-10
analog channel setup 4-7
analog channels 2-12
analog probes 1-15
application software updates 6-5
attenuation factor 2-17
attenuation, probe 3-10, 4-10
auto level trigger mode 3-4
auto trigger mode 3-4
automatic measurements 2-23, 5-37
AutoProbe 3-10, 4-9
analog channel input 4-10
external trigger 3-10
Autosave traces and setups 4-49
Autoscale 2-12, 2-13, 2-14
auto-single 4-28
average acquire mode 2-4, 4-19
Average measurement 5-46
averaging 5-8
bandwidth limit 4-9
Base measurement 5-46
baud rate 6-9
binary cursors 5-32
birts, SPI trigger 3-36
BMP file 4-53, 6-6
CAN trigger 3-19
capturing data 5-3
Center, FFT 5-27
analog 4-7
bandwidth limit 4-9
coupling 4-8
invert 4-9
position 4-8
probe units 4-10
skew 4-10
vernier 4-9
vertical sensitivity 4-8
cleaning 1-11
cleaning the instrument 9
clear display 4-21, 4-31, 5-11
clock 6-11
CMOS threshold 4-37
comma-separated variable file 4-53, 6-6
compensating your probe 1-16
configure printer 6-6
controls, front panel 2-7
conventions 1-24, 2-2
Counter measurement 5-40
coupling, channel 4-8
CSV file 4-53, 6-6
CSV length 6-7
cursor measurements 2-22, 5-31
d/dt math function 5-21
data, capturing 5-3
DC channel coupling 4-8
deep memory 4-4
default configuration 2-15
default library 4-47, 6-16
default setup 2-15, 4-54
delay knob 4-13
delay markers 4-14
Delay measurement 5-43
delay time indicator 4-12
delayed mode 4-14
delayed sweep 2-6, 2-21, 5-4
delete file, floppy 6-8
DeskJet printer 6-6
differentiate math function 5-21
digital channels 2-10, 2-13, 2-18
Autoscale 4-32
display 2-17, 4-34
logic threshold 4-37
on/off 4-35
position 4-34
probing 4-38
size 4-36
digital display, interpreting 4-33
digital probe kit 1-5
digital probes 1-17
digital probing 4-38
display 2-11
area 2-11
intensity 1-14
interpreting 2-11
measurement line 2-11
modes 4-21
softkeys 2-11
status line 2-11
update rate 4-6
duration trigger 3-21
Duty cycle measurement 5-40