Making Measurements
To make cursor measurements
3Press the Source softkey to select the analog channel or math source on
which the Y cursors will indicate measurements.
The source in Normal cursor mode can be any analog channel or math source.
If you select binary or hexadecimal mode, the Source softkey is disabled since
you are displaying binary or hexadecimal levels for all channels.
4 Select the X and Y softkeys to make a measurement.
XY Press this softkey to select either X cursors or Y cursors for adjustment.
The cursor currently assigned to the Entry knob displays brighter than the other
X cursors are vertical dashed lines that adjust horizontally and normally indicate
time relative to the trigger point. When used with the FFT math function as a
source, the X cursors indicate frequency.
Y cursors are horizontal dashed lines that adjust vertically and normally indicate
Volts or Amps, dependent on the channel Probe Units setting. When math
functions are used as a source, the measurement units correspond to that math
X1 and X2 The X1 cursor (short-dashed vertical line) and X2 cursor
(long-dashed-vertical line) adjust horizontally and indicate time relative to the
trigger point for all sources except math FFT (frequency is indicated). In XY
horizontal mode, the X cursors display channel 1 values (Volts or Amps). The
cursor values for the selected waveform source are displayed within the X1 and
X2 softkeys.
The difference between X1 and X2 (
∆X) and 1/∆X are displayed on the
dedicated line above the softkeys or in the display area when some menus are
Turn the Entry knob to adjust the X1 or X2 cursor when its softkey is selected.
Y1 and Y2 The Y1 cursor (short-dashed horizontal line) and Y2 cursor
(long-dashed horizontal line) adjust vertically and indicate values relative to
the waveform’s ground point, except math FFT where the values are relative to
0 dB. In XY horizontal mode, the Y cursors display channel 2 values (Volts or
Amps). The cursor values for the selected waveform source are displayed
within the Y1 and Y2 softkeys.
The difference between Y1 and Y2 (
∆Y) is displayed on the dedicated line above
the softkeys or in the display area when some menus are selected.
Turn the Entry knob to adjust the Y1 or Y2 cursor when its softkey is selected.