
1:1 Data Link, 3, 4, 6, 107
functions, 108
ports, connections, 110
specifications, 109
starting, 108
1:1 NT Link, 3, 4, 7
1:N NT Link, 3, 4, 7
errors, 129
2-wire and 4-wire connections, transmission circuits, 19
2-wire or 4-wire switch, 13
3Z4L Laser Micrometer, 63
connections, 319
protocols, sequences, 317347
applications, precautions, xiii
B500-AL001-E Link Adapter, 22
bar code reader, connections, 101
Bar Code Readers, 5
baud rate
no-protocol communications, 100
protocol macros, 59
C-mode commands, 5
C-series CPU Units, changes in communications specifications,
C-series Host Link Units, changes in communications specifi-
cations, 53, 55
C200H Communications Boards, 55
C200HX/HG/HE Communications Board, changes in commu-
nications specifications, 55
cables, 12, 13
See also installation
preparation, 23
cleaning, 130
communications distance
Host Link, 36
protocol macros, 59
communications ports. See ports
communications sequences, 85
See also PMCR(––) instructions, protocol macros, standard
system protocols; sequences
comparison, previous products, 55
components, names and functions, 10
CompoWay/F, protocols, 63
CompoWay/F Master
command and response formats, 138
communications specifications, 138
connections, 151
message frames, 143
protocols, 142
sequences, 137, 142
transmission procedure, 138
connectors, 12, 13, 17, 26
See also installation
connector hoods, 25
cover dimensions, 15
wiring, 23
CPU Units, supporting CPU Units, 8
CS1-series CPU Units, changes in communications specifica-
tions, 54, 55
CS1-series Serial Communications Unit/Board, changes in
communications specifications, 54, 55
current consumption, 8
CV-series CPU Units, changes in communications specifica-
tions, 54, 55
CV-series Host Link Units, changes in communications specifi-
cations, 54, 55
CVM1 CPU Units, changes in communications specifications,
54, 55
CVM1 Host Link Units, changes in communications specifica-
tions, 54, 55
CX-Protocol, 5, 37, 66, 100, 109, 116
dimensions, 8
Serial Communications Boards, 15
E5jJ Temperature Controller, 63
connections, 230
protocols, sequences, 229242
E5jK Digital Controller, 63
read, 154
write, 154
read protocols, sequences, 153170, 171185
E5ZE Temperature Controller, 63
read, 188
write, 188
read protocols, sequences, 187208
write protocols, sequences, 209227
EC Directives, xv
EMI measures, xv
error check codes, Host Link, 36