9-4SectionBoard Replacement
4. Turn ON the power of the PC to which the replacement Serial Communica-
tions Board is mounted, and to all serially connected external devices, and
start operating the system.
5. Check from the indicators and status display that the system is operating
Protocol Macros Designed with CX-Protocol
1, 2, 3... 1. Connect Programming Console or CX-Protocol to the PC to which the re-
placement Serial Communications Board is mounted, and switch to PRO-
GRAM mode.
2. Save the protocol macro data using the CX-Protocol. Refer to the CX-Proto-
col Operation Manual (W344) for details.
3. Turn OFF the power to the PC to which the Serial Communications Board to
be replaced is mounted, and to all serially connected external devices.
4. Disconnect the communications cables connected to the Serial Commu-
nications Board to be replaced, and also remove the Serial Communica-
tions Board.
5. Set the hardware switches of the replacement Board to the same settings of
the Serial Communications Board being replaced before mounting, as fol-
• Terminating resistance switch (TERM)
• The 2/4-wire switch (WIRE)
6. Turn ON the power of the PC to which the replacement Serial Communica-
tions Board is mounted, and to all serially connected external devices, and
start operating the system.
7. Switch the CPU Unit to PROGRAM mode, and using the CX-Protocol, trans-
fer the protocol macro data to the Serial Communications Board.
8. Switch the CPU Unit to MONITOR mode, and start operating the system.
9. Check from the indicators and status display that the system is operating
Note 1. The protocol macro data for the Serial Communications Board is stored in
the flash memory of the Serial Communications Board.
2. When protocol macro data designed with the CX-Protocol is used, a backup
of the protocol macro data created from the CX-Protocol must be trans-
ferred to the Serial Communications Board after replacing.
3. The PC Setup of the Serial Communications Board is allocated to the DM
Area saved in the battery backup of the CPU Unit, and if the user-designed
macro data is not used, the PC Setup can be used as before, simply by set-
ting the hardware.