About this Manual:
This manual describes the installation and operation of the SYSMAC CQM1H-series CQM1H-SCB41 Se-
rial Communications Board and includes the sections described below.
The Serial Communications Board is classified as an Inner Board.
Read this manual and all related manuals listed in the following table carefully and be sure you understand
the information provided before attempting to install and operate a Serial Communications Board.
Name Cat. No. Contents
Serial Communications Board
Operation Manual
W365-E1-1 Describes the use of the Serial Communications Board to
perform serial communications with external devices,
including hardware and the usage of standard system
protocols for OMRON products.
Host Link communications commands are described in the
SYSMAC CQM1H-series Programmable Controllers
Programming Manual (W364).
Creating protocol macros is described in the CX-Protocol
Operation Manual (W344).
Programmable Controllers
Operation Manual
W363-E1-1 Describes the installation and operation of the
CQM1H-series PCs.
Programmable Controllers
Programming Manual
W364-E1-1 Describes the ladder diagram programming instructions
supported by CQM1H-series PCs, Host Link commands,
and other programming information.
CX-Protocol Operation Manual
W344-E1-1 Describes the use of the CX-Protocol to create protocol
macros as communications sequences to communicate with
external devices.
Section 1 introduces the hardware and software functions of the Serial Communications Board, including
the serial communications modes, system configurations, and specifications.
Section 2 describes the components of the Serial Communications Board, how to connect it in the CPU
Unit, and how to connect it to external devices.
Section 3 describes the settings, control bits, flags, and status information available in the CPU Unit for
use with the Serial Communications Board.
Section 4 describes the procedure and other information required to use Host Link communications.
Section 5 describes the procedure and other information required to use protocol macros.
Section 6 provides information required to use no-protocol communications on a Serial Communications
Board port.
Section 7 provides information required to create 1:1 data links through a Serial Communications Board
Section 8 describes the procedure and other information required to use 1:N-mode and 1:1-mode NT
Links to Programmable Terminals (PTs).
Section 9 describes the troubleshooting and maintenance procedures for the Serial Communications
Appendix A to Appendix N provide the specifications of the standard system protocols.
WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in
personal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each
section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section
and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.