A Serial Communications Board is mounted as an Inner Board in the CPU Unit
and thus affects the CPU Unit ERR/ALM indicator.
Indicator Color Status Meaning
Lit Fatal error If a fatal error occurs, the CPU
Unit will stop operation in
either RUN or MONITOR
Flashing Non-fatal
If a non-fatal error occurs, the
CPU Unit will continue
operation in either RUN or
Not lit Normal
The CPU Unit is operating
normally. This indicator will
also not be lit when a
watchdog timer error occurs.
If an error in the Inner Board is the cause of the error indicated on the ERR/ALM
indicator, the Inner Board Error Flag (SR 25415) will turn ON and information on
the error will be stored in AR 0400 to AR 0407. Refer to Section 9 Troubleshoot-
ing and Maintenance for details.
2-1-2 RS-232C Port
Protocol Host Link No-protocol Protocol macros 1:1 Data Links 1:N NT Links 1:1 NT Links
tions method
Start-stop synchronization (asynchronous)
Baud rate 1,200/2,400/4,800/9,600/ 19,200 bps 19,200 bps 38,400 bps 19,200 bps
Connections 1:1
(1:N possible using Converting Link Adapters)
1:1 1:1
(1:N possible us-
ing Link Adapters)
15 m max. (See note)
Interface Complies with EIA RS-232C
Note The maximum cable length for RS-232C is 15 m. The RS-232C standard, how-
ever, does not cover baud rates above 19.2 Kbps. Refer to the manual for the
device being connected to confirm support.
Connector Pin Layout
Pin No. Abbreviation Signal name I/O
1 (See note 1) FG Shield ---
2 SD Send data Output
3 RD Receive data Input
4 RTS (RS) Request to send Output
5 CTS (CS) Clear to send Input
6 (See note 2) 5V Power supply ---
7 DSR (DR) Data set ready Input
8 DTR (ER) Data terminal ready
(See note 4)
9 SG Signal ground ---
Shell (See note 1) FG Shield ---
Note 1. Pin No. 1 and the shell are connected to the ground terminal (GR) of the
Power Supply Unit inside the Serial Communications Board. Therefore, the
cable shield can be grounded by grounding GR of the Power Supply Unit.
2. Pin 6 (5 V) is required when the NT-AL001-E Link Adapter is connected. For
details on connection methods, refer to 2-3 Wiring.
CPU Unit Indicators