3-2SectionPC Setup Settings
Word(s) Bit(s) Function Applicable
DM 6550
(port 2)
DM 6555
(port 1)
00 to 03 Port settings
0: Standard (1 start bit, 7-bit data, even parity, 2 stop bits, 9,600 bps)
1: Settings in DM 6551 (DM 6556 for port 1)
Host Link, no-
protocol, proto-
col macros
04 to 07 CTS control settings
0: Disable; 1: Set
Host Link, no-
protocol, 1:1
Data Links
08 to 11 Link words for 1:1 Data Link (when bits 12 to 15 are set to 3)
0: LR 00 to LR 63; 1: LR 00 to LR 31; 2: LR 00 to LR 15
Maximum Programmable Terminal unit number (when bits 12 to 15 are set to 5)
1 to 7 (BCD)
1:1 Data Link
master (link
NT Link (max.
unit number)
12 to 15 Serial communications mode
0: Host Link; 1: No-protocol; 2: 1:1 Data Link slave; 3: 1:1 Data Link master;
4: NT Link in 1:1 mode; 5: NT Link in 1:N mode; 6: Protocol macro
All modes
DM 6551
(port 2)
DM 6556
00 to 07 Baud rate
00: 1.2K, 01: 2.4K, 02: 4.8K, 03: 9.6K, 04: 19.2K
Host Link, no-
protocol, proto-
col macros
DM 6556
(port 1)
08 to 15 Frame format
Start Length Stop Parity
00: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Even
01: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit Odd
02: 1 bit 7 bits 1 bit None
03: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit Even
04: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit Odd
05: 1 bit 7 bits 2 bit None
06: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Even
07: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit Odd
08: 1 bit 8 bits 1 bit None
09: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit Even
10: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit Odd
11: 1 bit 8 bits 2 bit None
Host Link, no-
protocol, proto-
col macros
DM 6552
(port 2)
DM 6557
(port 1)
00 to 15 Transmission delay
0000 to 9999 (BCD): Set in units of 10 ms, e.g., a setting of 0001 equals 10 ms
Host Link, no-
DM 6553
(port 2)
00 to 07 Host Link unit number
00 to 31 (BCD)
Host Link
DM 6558
(port 1)
08 to 11 Start code enable
0: Disable; 1: Set
(port 1)
12 to 15 End code enable
0: Disable (number of bytes received)
1: Set (specified end code)
2: CR, LF
DM 6554
(port 2)
00 to 07 Start code (No-protocol)
00 to FF (hexadecimal)
DM 6559
(port 1)
08 to 15 When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6553 or DM 6558 are set to 0 Hex:
Number of bytes received
00: Default setting (256 bytes)
01 to FF: 1 to 255 bytes
When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6553 or DM 6558 are set to 1 Hex:
End code (No-protocol)
00 to FF (hexadecimal)