Appendix L
Visual Inspection System Protocol
The Visual Inspection System Protocol is used to make various settings or control remotely the Visual Recognition
Device connected to the Serial Communications Board via RS-232C cable.
Protocol Configuration
The configuration of the Visual Inspection System Protocol is shown below.
Sequence Communications Function
Ladder interface
No. sequence name
Send word
Receive word
450 Measurement execution
Carries out one measurement one and
stores the measurement results in the
specified words.
No Yes
451 Continuous measure-
ment execution (scan)
Carries out continuously setting the F200
and storing the measurement results in
the specified words.
No Yes
452 Continuous measure-
ment execution (inter-
rupt) (F200)
Carries out continuously setting the F200
and storing the measurement results in
the specified words.
No Yes
453 Reference object regis-
tration (group) (F200)
Performs reference position registration
and evaluation criterion registration at the
same time.
No No
454 Reference object regis-
tration (reference posi-
tion) (F200)
Registers the reference position for mea-
suring the amount of position displace-
ment when a position displacement com-
pensation is used.
No No
455 Reference object regis-
tration (evaluation criteri-
on) (F200)
Registers the reference value to discrimi-
nate the output format.
No No
456 Evaluation condition
change (F200)
Changes the upper and lower limit values
of the evaluation condition of the desig-
nated output No.
Yes No
457 Arbitrary measurement
value acquisition (F200)
Stores the measurement values of arbi-
trary measurement item regardless of out-
put format in the specified words.
Yes Yes
460 Measurement execution
Carries out one measurement and stores
the measurement results in the specified
No Yes
461 Continuous measure-
ment execution (scan)
Carries out continuously setting the F300
and storing the measurement results in
the specified words.
No Yes
462 Continuous measure-
ment execution (inter-
rupt) (F300)
Carries out continuously setting the F300
and storing the measurement results in
the specified words.
No Yes
463 Reference object regis-
tration command 1
execution (F300)
Performs a measurement for the input
image and updates the reference object
data of the full window.
No No
464 Reference object regis-
tration command 2
execution (F300)
Performs a measurement for the input
image and updates the reference object
data of the full window
Yes No
465 Illumination fluctuation
follow execution (F300)
Executes an illumination fluctuation follow. No No
470 Measurement execution
and positioning (F350)
Carries out one measurement and stores
the measurement results in the specified
No Yes