
Appendix BCompoWay/F Master Protocol
CompoWay/F Master Protocol Sequences
The CompoWay/F Master Protocol provides six communications sequences that can be used for the following:
Converting to ASCII data or not converting to ASCII data
Sending to a specified Unit or broadcasting
Specifying from the command code or specifying from the subaddress and SID.
Structure of the Protocol
The following table shows the structure of the CompoWay/F Master Protocol.
Sequence Communications Function
Ladder interface
No. sequence name
Send word
Receive word
600 Send with ASCII conver-
sion, with response
Converts the specified data beginning with
the command code to ASCII and sends it
to the specified Unit. The response is con-
verted to hexadecimal and stored starting
at the specified word.
Yes Yes
601 Broadcast with ASCII
conversion, no response
A broadcast version of sequence No. 600.
No responses are received.
Yes No
602 Send with no conversion
and with response
Sends specified data beginning with the
command code to the specified Unit. The
response is stored starting at the specified
word. This is the same as sequence No.
600 without data conversion and can be
used when conversion is not required.
Yes Yes
603 Broadcast with no con-
version and no response
A broadcast version of sequence No. 602.
No responses are received.
Yes No
604 General-purpose send
with no conversion and
with response
Sends specified data beginning with the
subaddress and SID to the specified Unit.
The response is stored starting at the spe-
cified word. This sequence can be used
whenever it is necessary to specify the
subaddress or SID.
Yes Yes
605 General-purpose broad-
cast with no conversion
and no response
A broadcast version of sequence No. 604.
No responses are received.
Yes No
Sequence No. 600 can be used for the normal CompoWay/F Master function (ASCII conversion, specification
from command code).
Refer to the communications specifications for the OMRON CompoWay/F component to which the command is
being sent and set the command code and required data starting at the words specified for the 3rd operand of
The relationship between the CompoWay/F command and response frames and the operands of PMCR(260) is
described next.