Appendix JV500/V520 Bar Code Reader Protocol
BCR Function Write (V500) (Sequence No. 354)
This sequence sets the operation mode and read functions in the Bar Code Reader.
Send Data Word Allocation (2nd Operand of PMCR)
Number of
Operation mode
In-zone control
Number of send data wordsFirst word of
send data
(Undefined)Types of bar code
Number of digits(Undefined)
(Undefined)Modulus check
Horizontal controlBuzzer
Offset Contents (data format) Data
+0 Number of send data words
(4 digits BCD)
0007 (fixed)
Operation mode
(ASCII 1 character)
41 (‘A’) : ONLINE
In-zone control
(ASCII 1 character)
*41 (‘A’) : ON
42 (‘B’) : OFF
+2 Bar code type
(ASCII 1 character)
41 (‘A’) : JAN
42 (‘B’) : NW7 NORMAL
43 (‘C’) : NW7 SMALL
44 (‘D’) : NW7 HEX
45 (‘E’) : CODE39 NORMAL
46 (‘F’) : CODE39 ST/SP OUTPUT
47 (‘G’) : 2 of 5 (ITF)
48 (‘H’) : CODE128
49 (‘I’) : CODE93
4A (‘J’) : 2 of 5 (3BAR)
4B (‘K’) : 2 of 5 (5BAR)
+3 Number of digits
(2 digits BCD)
00 to 32
00: Any number of digits allowed.
+4 Modulus check
(ASCII 1 character)
41 (‘A’) : No-check
42 (‘B’) : Modulus 10 (all bar codes)
43 (‘C’) : Modulus 11 (except JAN)
44 (‘D’) : Modulus 16 (NW7 only)
45 (‘E’) : Modulus 43 (CODE39 only)
46 (‘F’) : Modulus 47 (CODE93 only)
47 (‘G’) : Modulus 103 (CODE128 only)
Number of matches
(1 digit BCD)
1 to 5
Multistep labels
(1 digit BCD)
1 to 4
(ASCII 1 character)
41 (‘A’) : ON for normal read
42 (‘B’) : ON for no-read
43 (‘C’) : OFF
Horizontal control mode
(ASCII 1 character)
41 (‘A’) : Normal (continuous rotating)
42 (‘B’) : In-zone startup
Note Selecting the values marked with asterisks is required for this protocol.
Receive Data Word Allocation (3rd Operand of PMCR)