7.19.1 How to insert update symbols
An update symbol can be added as shown in the procedure below.
Note 1: If the system freezes when updating the drawing type [Area], reset the power.
Note 2: An update symbol that straddles the international date line cannot be edited.
In this case, insert the same symbol on each side of the line.
1. Go to the Voyage navigation mode.
2. Click the [Manual Update] button on the InstantAccess bar to open the [Manual
Update] dialog box.
3. Click the [Planning] tab.
4. Click the [Add] button.
Note: This window can also be shown from the con-
text-sensitive menu. Right-click the display area then
select [Manual Update] and [Add New].
5. Use the [Drawing Type] pull-down list to select draw-
ing type: [Point], [Line] or [Area].
6. Click desired object.
7. Put the cursor on the location where to insert the
symbol then left click. The [Manual Update] dialog
box shows:
- [Object]
- [Drawing Type]
- [Display Until] (display until date*) * Set as desired; default setting is three
months from date of entry.
8. You can add a comment related to a manual update object in the [Description]