7.6.3 How to enable and set up the C-MAP DL
1. Get into the Chart maintenance mode then click the [License] button on the
InstantAccess bar.
2. Click the [C-MAP DL] tab to show the [Licenses] dialog box for C-MAP DL.
3. Check [Enable Dynamic License] to enable the dynamic licensing.
You now have access to all the charts contained within the selected subscription
zones - both already licensed charts and new charts.
Settings, indications on the Licenses dialog box for C-MAP DL
• Set your annual credit limit with [Credit Limit]. A permanent warning is given if your
credit goes below this value. A new chart cannot be enabled if it causes the credit
to go below this value.
• [Credit Rest] shows the amount of credit remaining and is updated each time you
receive a confirmation answer for your request via e-mail.
• [Next Report Date] is the date when the next report should be sent to Jeppesen. If
charts are not reported before the mandatory report date, access to all non-reported
charts is discontinued and can be resumed only after the confirmation answer al-
lowing use of the charts is received via e-mail.
• [Confirmation Date] is the date when you receive the confirmation answer for your
request via e-mail.
• [Confirm before open new chart], if checked, a confirmation window asks for confir-
mation before opening charts that require issuing a new license. A chart denied is
added to the list of protected charts, so the confirmation request will not be repeated
for that chart. Those charts cannot be opened until they are removed from the list
of protected charts.
• [Protected], if checked, shows the protected charts in the cell list. To remove a chart
from protection, select it then click the [Release] button. Then, when an attempt is
made to open that chart, the confirmation window appears. Note that multiple con-
firmation windows open when releasing multiple charts from protection.
7.7 How to Export a List of Charts
Get into the Chart maintenance mode, click the [Manage Charts] button on the
InstantAccess bar to show the [Manage Charts] dialog box. Check the charts to add
to the list. Click the [Export List] button to export the checked charts to a USB flash
memory, in .txt format.
C1210011 ENC 01 Jun 2012 Unissued