Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
For the directory that stored collaboration program, see Section 5.2.4 "Directory that stored collaboration
programPreface”. For naming rule of collaboration program, see Section 5.2.5 “Naming convention of
collaboration program”.
5.2.3 Timeout of collaboration program
Hot plug collaboration function does not know details of collaboration programs. Thus hot plug collaboration
function sequentially execute collaboration programs for preventing depletion of resources. A collaboration
program may terminate abnormally by some reasons. Thus when collaboration program does not finish in
constant waiting time, hot plug collaboration function handles it as follows:
1) Send SIGTERM signal to collaboration program
2) Send SIGKILL signal to collaboration program when a collaboration program does not finish even if
waiting for one minute after SIGTERM is sent
This waiting time can be modified by configuration file. The assignable value is shown below. The default
value is five minutes.
Wait for the completion of a collaboration program at specified time. The unit of value is
the minute.
Wait for the completion of a collaboration program unlimitedly
The value is out of assignable value. Wait for the completion of a collaboration program
at 5 minutes as default.
The value is out of assignable value. Wait for the completion of a collaboration program
at 5 minutes as default.
The value is out of assignable value. Wait for the completion of a collaboration program
at 5 minutes as default.
Specify 0 to waiting time, when collaboration program must be completed to continue DR. But DR function
stops until the collaboration program is completed.
5.2.4 Directory that stored collaboration program
The collaboration program must be stored in the following directory.
The configuration file of the collaboration program must be stored in the following directory.
Note that creating new directory under the above directories is not allowed.
5.2.5 Naming convention of collaboration program
Naming convention of collaboration program is shown below.
“nn“ must be a two-digital number (one-byte characters) ranging from 10 to 90
Hot plug collaboration function executes the collaboration programs in ascending order of their
collaboration program name. To execute a collaboration program earlier than the other collaboration