MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
1.4.3 [Who] window
The [Who] window lists the users who connect to the MMB through the serial port, Telnet/SSH or the Web-UI.
FIGURE 1.60 [Change Password] window
TABLE 1.86 Display items in the [Who] window
Displays the name of the user logged in to the MMB through the serial port,
Telnet/SSH, or the Web-UI.
Displays the user's login time.
Displays whether the Web-UI or Telnet/SSH was used for the login.
If the serial port was used for the login, this field displays "-" (hyphen).
Displays the host name or the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 address) of a remote host if
the user logged in remotely.
If the host name can be identified from the DNS set on the MMB at the login time, this
field displays the host name. Otherwise, it displays the IP address.
If the serial port of the MMB was used for the login, the field displays "-" (hyphen).
If the user logged in from the Web-UI, the field displays only the IP address using the
The following table lists the messages displayed in this window.
Failed to get login user information