MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
Failed to execute DP operation. Fatal error occurred.
Failed to execute DP operation. Configuration is unrecovered.
Failed to execute DP operation. Partition is stopped.
The specified IOU#%d has not stopped.
DP sequence timeout: QPI disconnection failure
DP sequence timeout: SB hot-remove OS failure
The specified [SB#%d|IOU#%d] is free
DP can't be enabled, because of no DP license
Unable to execute DP command due to previous failure.
Unable to execute DP command while other DP command is running
Unable to execute DP command because OS is not ready for DP operation
2.3 Commands for Display
Command for displaying the information is as follows.
2.3.1 show access_control
2.3.2 show active_mmb
2.3.3 show date
2.3.4 show exit_code
2.3.5 show partition configuration
2.3.6 show partition dynamic_partitioning
2.3.7 show partition home
2.3.8 show partition lan_device_mode
2.3.9 show partition name
2.3.10 show partition memory_mirror_ras_mode
2.3.11 show partition memory_operation_mode
2.3.12 show partition pci_address_mode
2.3.13 show timezone
2.3.14 show gateway
2.3.15 show gateway_ipv6
2.3.16 show http
2.3.17 show http_port
2.3.18 show https
2.3.19 show https_port
2.3.20 show ip
2.3.21 show ipv6
2.3.22 show hostname
2.3.23 show maintenance_ip
2.3.24 show ssh
2.3.25 show ssh_port
2.3.26 show telnet
2.3.27 show telnet_port
2.3.28 show network
2.3.29 show ntpq
2.3.30 who
2.3.31 help
2.3.32 netck traceroute
2.3.33 netck arptbl
2.3.34 netck arping
2.3.35 netck ifconfig
2.3.36 netck stat
2.3.37 show dynamic_partitioning status
2.3.1 show access_control
Setting value of current access control is displayed.