MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
This increment algorithm for the synchronization interval conforms to RFC 1305. For details, see
Sections 3.4.2 to 3.4.9 in RFC 1305.
- Stratum of the NTP servers on the MMB
The stratum of the NTP servers on the MMB is the value of stratum + 1 of the synchronized
external NTP servers. Unless the NTP servers synchronize with external NTP servers, the
stratum is 5.
- Support for leap seconds
The NTP on the MMB has no function for inserting leap seconds. Therefore, if you want to
associate the MMB time with leap seconds, you need to synchronize it with an external NTP
server that supports leap seconds.
If the NTP client on the MMB is set to Step mode, and the external NTP server slowly changes
the time for the leap second adjustment, the MMB time may be adjusted with the Step adjustment
when a time difference outside a range of -0.128 to +0.128 second occurs. To prevent the leap
second adjustment from using Step adjustment, use Slew mode.
1.5.2 [Network Interface] window
The [Network Interface] menu has the following windows:
[IPv4 Interface] window
[IPv6 Interface] window
[IPv4 Interface] window
You can set the IPv4 IP address for MMB access and other related items in the [IPv4 Interface] window.
FIGURE 1.62 [IPv4 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2400E/2800E) (1)